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Writer's picturezana botes

Buffalo Hunting in Namibia

Buffalo, Black Death, Nyati, Duggaboy all mean the same. The ultimate hunting experience to any hunter.

The pursuit of these tank like species can get any hunters heart pumping. It does matter age or experience.

In Namibia Buffalo is hunted in Zambezi region formerly known as the Caprivi Strip. One has the option to hunt in certain National Parks or communal concessions. It is only determined by your preference.

Buffalo hunting in the concessions is a unique and memorable experience. It is completely unfenced area where human and beasts move around are share the natural resources. One has learned to respect the other and depend on each other for survival. Buffalo quotas are determined every 3 years for each Concession. This is allocated by the Government after studying yearly game counts, weather patterns and projects and speaking to local community members. A big part of the fees paid for the hunt goes straight to the local community and not the Government. These fees are used to help develop schools, water points, clinics, pay game guards salaries and even bring electricity to the villages. This has given the local communities the responsibility of taking care of the areas and reduce poaching efforts as they have a source of income from their prized natural resources. All the meat is distributed to local communities who are always are in need of protein as maize is main source of nutrition. The joy and excitement of every community members face when you as a hunter deliver a buffalo is magical to see. One does not realise this until you see it for yourself. Just think your 1 animal has just fed and entire village for a day or 2.

The hunt is usually 8-10 days. One can expect to take a shot anything from 20 - 80 yards. A 375 H&H is the minimum caliber by law to be able to hunt a buffalo. But a good old 416 gets the job done much easier. Back in the day solids was the preferred projectile but as times have changed and improvements have been made, a soft point gets the job done. A Barnes TSX, Swift A-Frame or Trophy Bonded Bearclaw is recommended. The first shot is the most important shot. A good first shot right into the boiler room is vital. Otherwise one can be in for a long and uncomfortable walk. The most important part is to listen to your Professional hunter. If he tells you to shoot again do not wait. Let another round fly at it. Buffalo survive lion attacks and much more. So to think it will be an easy kill is the wrong approach. Always be ready.

One searches high and low to find the right buffalo. An old worn down bull that has survived the Droughts, Rains, Crocodiles and Lions. One can see the scars left by life on his body and face. A true old warrior. Most of the hunt is done on foot. Check corridors and waterholes for fresh tracks and then setting off on the track to see if this right one. With the areas being so big and unfenced one never knows what to expect. Lions, Elephant, Hippo and also Crocodile share these plains and rivers and add to the excitement.

With Caprivi being a red zone in Africa one can expect some time on waiting for the trophy to reach the taxidermist. As all trophies need to be quarantined and inspected by a state veterinarian and given a certificate, before being allowed to leave the Caprivi to prevent the spread of diseases. Due to rising costs we try to do a seasons worth of trophies all at once as this reduces the cost on the outfitter and also the hunter.

Hunting buffalo in the Caprivi will always be a great and a rewarding experience. Not just to you as hunter but also to local communities. By continuing these processes we will ensure that buffalo hunting in the wild remains intact for many years to come.

The only way to get know Africa is by leaving your footprints in her dust.

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